Thursday, January 17, 2008


The blog that I have chosen to critique is 'The Celebrity Blog'. The url is

I chose this blog as it is a very updated and info filled blog. This information however is not critical to the everyday lives of human beings, it ios merely gossip. This blog is relevant in society today as everyone needs to know what everyone else is doing, what the lastest news is etc. Everyone is hung up on critisising the likes of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton rather than having a look at their own lives.

This blog has many advertisements on each page hinting to the viewer that it is receiving many page hits. - Therefore revealing the relevance of this blog on society.

This blog also reports on the latest films coming out at the cinemas as well as giving information regarding award nominations etc. This blog is mostly a gossip blog.

This blog has certain categories of topics i.e. 'awards' or '50 cent' etc.

Virtual Reality

Hi all,
I recently purchased a nintendo ds (yes I am a nerd) during the new year sales and was shocked when I realised how long I had actually been playing the thing for! Video games are not only expensive... but they distract us from life in general. This darn Nintendo distracted me from my work, my socialising with family as well as friends. It is captivating once you begin to play... the game turns into a new world that is so exciting and imaginative!

Not only does it distract from life, it send out a very naturalised message regarding violence to young children. I have the lara croft tomb raider game and she literally shoots people dead and all sorts! - without even blinking! I feel that this, as well as media in general, is setting a bad and naturalised example for younger generations. We are becoming desensitised to violence and death!

In regard to video games and computer games there are also many health issues associated with sitting in the one place for an extended period of time. There have been cases where people have died due to blod clots from sitting in the same place for hours on end. Sure, they probably were sitting there too long, but if it can happen, there must be some sort of regulation!There are also issues regarding eyesight and posture when hunched in front of a television or a computer playing games.

Apart from the Nintendo Wii... there is no exercise involved and I feel this poses a big problem in the years to come regarding sight, blood clotting and back problems!

does anyone else feel this way?

jem x

Funny Bones...

Hello all,
I was harassed last night! I was tickled! I hate being tickled! - and why is it that when we are tickled we laugh??? even though it's the worst feeling in the world (slight exaggeration)?? I hate it I hate it I hate it!

I also don't understand why the funny bone is called the funny bone. When we hit the funny bone - sure its an odd feeling and we sometimes giggle because we are stupid for hitting it... but it, like being tickled, is not a very nice sensation!

it baffles me!

jem x

Shoot Me...

Hello all,
As those who know me will know... I am travelling overseas shortly and I recently experienced the pain of vaccinations. The actual process was not as painful as I expected... but the aftermath certainly was!!! My arm was numb, it was sore and to top it all off... every inch i moved, my darn arm would hurt! I also have a friend who I went to get the vaccinations with who experienced side effects from the shots. I received a phone call the day following where he asked me if I was feeling normal... I replied...yes... my arm is sore...but other than that I feel pretty normal. He was burning up, feeling nauseous and dizzy. The injection we had was Typhiod...which if you contract it you feel nauseous, vomit and have a fever among other things.

This made me think... there must be a safer way to protect ourselves from diseases such as typhoid - without injecting the disease into our system... how do we absolutely know for certain we will not contract the disease after the vaccination?

I recently had an allergic reaction to penicillin and i asked the doctor if i could please have an allergy test to be absolutely positive that I am allergic due to the fact that penicillin can save your life! The doctor responded and said, no they have stopped doing those tests because too many people died because of their allergy to it... this to me was a very scary thought... what if the wrong dosage was given to someone (of a disease) and the person contracted the disease and died.... but what plays on my mind is that what if it still has the chance to affect you later in life?

jem x

mama mia!

Hi all,
today i pondered the thought of a mother who does not feel for her offspring. I have a friend who is to remain nameless whose mother has never wondered where she/he is or was, always finds an excuse to not help this child and who does not even call to find out how the child is when the child is living out of home. I personally do not understand how a mother or a father can have so little care for their own blood! I find it upsetting as this child is yearning the love she or he deserves from his/her mother. Nameless never speaks about very personal things with his mother, it is all about everyday normal things, nothing regarding his/her personal life, and if in the slight instance where she does ask, he/she pretends everything is fine because he/she knows that his/her mother is not really interested... which i find very sad.

I just do not understand how it is possible? What is everyones opinon about this? Am I over reacting or do I have expectations that are held too high?

What is the world coming to if a mother has little care in the world for her son/daughter?

jem x

Monday, January 14, 2008

16 year old open house party...

Why is it that something as pathetic and idiotic as an open house party while the parents are away has caused such a stir within the media? It is most certainly not the first time this has happened! It most certainly is not the last either! The lastest on this party is that party promoter has put forward that he wants to hire him to promote parties with him as the host!
"(Corey) did a great job in the wrong place — I think he'd be very successful," said Tim Sabre, director of Raw Entertainment.

How is this of any importance?
The difference between a club or a hosted underage party and a house party is that at a house party - there is no cover charge! There are no officials, no security and no rules! it is blatant anarchy and in a teenage world this is desireable!

It is not a talent to gather that many people into a house with the technology standards of today! Think 6 degrees of separation! think of how many people your friends of a friends of friends friends would amount to....

It is that easy! all you have to do is post a bulltin on myspace, or create an event on facebook and there you have a massive open house party! - no skill involved! Myspace and Facebook also have promoting for clubs etc. but the difference here is, you can do whatever you want at an open house party. You have to pay (a lot) for drinks at a bar and you are not allowed to smoke or tread through the house, there are security guards telling you what you can and can't do. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE! It angers me that someone so idiotic would get so much media coverage as well as a potential job!!! How is this fair?

over and out

Jem x

The Silly Season....

Hello all,
I would like to begin a discussion today regarding the universally notorious silly season. The Christmas period poses as the highest engagement rate, where january shortly following is the highest divoce rate! While watching the evening news the discussion arose whether there is too much pressure for all to have a joyful and loving christmas.... I mean, with all the cooking, cleaning and crowded shopping...who can blame anyone for being stressed??? I personally work in retail and I certainly noticed the strain on individuals leading up to Christmas! I felt drained myself- working longer hours and what not. It is sad to see Christmas is so materialised and a massive marketing campaign. This also goes for Valentines day, which is a month away!! It is just one after the other! Following Valentines is Easter... where we are meant to be celebrating the ressurection (not to preach or anything) but instead we get excited about chocolate eggs! Some families even give their children money they would spend on Easter eggs to save them from piling on the pounds!

Anyway... back to the silly season...

My annual work Christmas drinks was a lovely sit down dinner (3 course meal - fabulous!) obviosly with alcohol -what's Christmas drinks with no drinks???

My boss happened to get very... intoxicated....slurring words and telling the homeless while on the walk to the train station that they will "Never own a penthouse apartment!". My other work collegue said to me.... "Jem, no matter which work situation you are in.... you never get as intoxicated as mr.penthouse did.... it is not professional!"

This then brings me to the question.... when does work stop being work? Personally, i do find it lacking professionalism.... but should we really make this judgement upon a person? The waitstaff kept topping up the wine glasses... what do they expect??

This is my question to you all out there in cyberspace:
1. What are your views on becoming too drunk at work Christmas parties?
2. How does the stress of Christmas effect you?
3. Do you think our world is focusing on the wrong things in life?

speak soon
jem x